Monday, June 22, 2009

Personification: Emotions.

Dear Emotions,
I'm not entirely sure where you are located on or in the body, but where ever you are, I trust that this letter will reach you regardless. Just a small one really, mainly to inquire as to your erratic behaviour of late. Seriously, please could you just stick to one theme and run with that? Because I'm left feeling overwhelmed when you are going up and down like some kind of emotional Richter scale. If I had to favour any emotions, then I'd probably run with happiness, and less of the confused and inability-to-make-concrete-decisions ones you've been churning out sporadically over the last year. I don't really know if I can entirely blame you, I fear someone else might be in on this little game. Yeah, that's right brain, I'm talking about you. You're a sneaky bastard, so you're probably reading this over Emotions shoulder (if you have shoulders... I'm not sure you do). Either way, pull together. Sort something out. Maybe have a word with Motivation and just work together in some kind of stupendous trinity of perfection and work on this issue together.
That'd be bloody brilliant.
Yours in love, sadness, confusion, denial and oddness,
Emmah. xo

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha love this blog and youuuu! "stupdendous trinity of perfection" is awesome