Friday, January 01, 2010


Credit to Tom Price.

Dearest 2009,
As Dickens wrote, it was the best of times, it was the worst of times.

You've been turbulent, but joyous. You've been love-filled, but heart-wrenching. You've been beautiful, but imperfect.

You began where I end, in a nice 4 bedroom house in North Dorset, filled with objects and possessions that remind us of times gone by, yet they reside in a place relatively new to memories. They are slowly building though, and 2009 has added to these significantly.

There have been some births, and though all deaths are significant, I am thankful and grateful that you spared me heartache this year. There have been some especially noteable friendships that have developed, changed, been re-born and continue to astound and amaze. There have been new people within your period of time which have crept upon me and left me wondering what I did to deserve them. There have been holidays, hard graft, endless train journeys, failures, hope, despair, endless photos, tears, uncountable laughs and a new favourite thing; falling in love.

You, 2009 have been a good one. I remember saying good bye to 2008 in a somewhat drunken state, dressed as a clown, standing with friends and ready for a fresh start. In this readiness, I lifted a glass and said something along the lines of 'good riddance 2008'. You were supposed to be filled with a bullet point list of hopes and now I realise it... demands. Some have been fulfilled, some have cropped up time and time again and remain an ongoing struggle, but like 2008, you too have been a steep learning curve.

I am a small percentage but a percentage nonetheless wiser, and consider the journey that little bit lighter given the events of the last year. Specific details aren't needed, you and I know both the pitfalls and blessings you have bestowed upon me, but let's just say that I hope by the end of this new friend of mine 2010, I have the same bursting heart of hope, faith and above all love that is beating in my chest right now.

It remains trite when people say a new year a new start but there are so little opportunities to begin again in this life that I would like to embrace the ceremony of goodbye to you 2009, and say bring on 2010.

In this year, resolutions will most likely be untouched or discarded within the first week so I shan't make them. Instead I will continue to seek the kingdom, and all the rest I am guaranteed will follow.

Yours in accepting old beginnings and looking forward to the new,
Emmah xo

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