Monday, February 01, 2010

The Best Thing About Today #36

My friends!

My friends are wonderful. I don't know what I have done to deserve such a wonderful injection of people into my life in the last 2 years but they have come in abundance and I wouldn't be without them. I think the reason I'm so enthusiastic about my friendships is because I've never become comfortable with them, and tried desperately not to take them for granted. Each of my friends possesses the ability to encourage me and build me up, and for that I hope not to become used to them, and not to think of them as a given but instead, be so grateful for their presence in my life. Saccharine and sickly sweet, perhaps. But the reality is, that love is the most powerful force working in this world, and they are a part of that. My love for them, and them for me. But forget inward love, all my friends possess qualities and are passionate too about outward love, loving other people and demonstrating a love that cannot be fathomed or explained.

So there we go. My friends are brilliant.

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