Friday, November 14, 2008


Hi! So I was thinking about how I used to have a blog which was public and everything, and then how I deleted it ages ago, and how I like blogging, but the only blog I write anything on was my Myspace one and even that was ages ago. So, here we are. I always thought blogs were kind of pretentious unless you actually had something interesting to talk about, but then again, musings of other people can be interesting to some, so on we go.

I guess I should introduce myself in this first post, as that is what it would be polite to do! So, my name is Emmah-Louise Geraghty and I'm 22 years old.

I'll let you in on a secret, I don't really have an h on the end of my name, but the story of me adopting it is fairly long and boring so let's just pretend you haven't read this sentence and be on our merry way. I currently live in the worlds most boring and weird town (I resent calling it a town because it's really not) in North Dorset, which, I don't know if you can tell just from these mere words, I don't like very much. I live with my parents, who are pretty great. My major issue about living here isn't to do with them, because they're alright really, it's mainly to do with boredom and being away from all my super wicked friends who I miss greatly. I moved here after I finished University in Winchester (yeah that's right, WINchester), with the intention of moving back to Hampshire asap. Things haven't quite worked out that way but it's alright because there is still a shred of hope.

I have a fair few other homes though. The spare room at my friend Vicky's house in Weymouth, where I grew up and where all my friends I grew up with live. Vicky's family are basically my family, her dad thinks I'm a comedy genius and her dogs love me. Another home is one half of Hayley's double bed in Winchester where I sleep when I am there, and keep her awake with inane talks about the world and the universe and general Emmah and Hayley related banter. I'm also partial to Abi's couch in Locks Heath, and any spare room of any of my extended family at my church in Winchester.

I'm a Christian, I think God is wicked, and I have a really awesome Church that I go to in Winchester. I can't wait to live in Hampshire again so I can be a part of it again, because I love it. It's full of life and spirit and love for people. It's very inspirational to be around and learn from so many people of all different ages, and to have so many amazing people that I know I can rely on. So that's pretty great.

I am loving Winter at the moment. Wearing hats to keep warm, big scarves and lots of cups of tea and hot water bottles. I'm a big fan of Winter. Christmas too, that's always a fun few weeks leading up to the 25th of December. And then New Year comes around, and it's another year to reflect on, or look forward to, or both.

I love live music, and music in general. Especially when it's really loud. When you're playing a song you fully love really loud and everything else is just drowned out by general greatness of that song. My favourite band is probably Brand New, I have lots of amazing Brand New related memories, and I think musically they're pretty amazing. The latest album is probably my favourite. It's called The Devil and God are Raging Inside me and I love that it demonstrates just that, how inside of us we all deal with battles of good versus evil. That was probably the worst summing up of an album ever, but if you haven't heard it you should listen to it, ignoring my inept ability to review music. I'm also very much in love with Coldplay, but given their recent efforts to produce an album that doesn't suck, I don't think I will dwell on that too much.

Another thing or person that I'm quite fond of in my life is my little niece. She is called Sophie and she's pretty wonderful. She comes out with the funniest things, and we have the best banter ever. For a 3 year old she's incredibly clever and I love her to pieces. It sounds quite cliche but when you see a child growing up, you really do realise how precious life is and how people grow and learn and how you have such a big responsiblity to be the best person you can be for the people you love. Soppy, perhaps, but oh so true. So, to sum up, she is wicked.

Well this entry is about ten times bigger than it was meant to be,so let us end this first entry with a list. Other things I like include:

- My friends: I have great friends, really great friends. And I love making new ones. Finding out about people, things you have in common, people you know, music you like, ambitions, sharing in people's excitement, having a laugh, making connections. It's exciting stuff.
- Quoting things: any TV show, comedian, film, song. You name it, I'll quote it.
- In-jokes: the best kind of jokes. Lately me and my friends have taken to playing a game called 'make it emo' which basically includes one of us singing a line of a song, and the other translating this into emo by adopting a whiney american accent and pronouncing words like 'spiders' 'spooooiders'. It's pretty great. You should probably play it some time. I also love it when people say certain words between friendship groups. My favourite thing to say at the moment to describe things of greatness is 'epic'.
- Photography: this is a new thing that I love. Just because I'm interested in it, doesn't mean I'm good at it, mind. I'm not even sure I fully understand my camera yet, but I have recently purchased a Digital SLR and it's beautiful and is my baby. Browsing flickr is my new favourite thing to do and I regular flick through the manual for my Canon 400D going 'ooh you can do that? awesome!' and then taking photos of something like a leaf to try it out.
- Making things: mainly cards. Sometimes little things with quotes on. Or things to hang up. Sometimes flags, if I can be bothered to use a sewing machine. Or random things like tiny little cushions. I get this from my mum, she's great. I love craft shops, I used to work in one, and it was brilliant. Ribbon, sequins, fabric paint, drawing pencils, sketchbooks. Love!
- The Coldplay blanket: this is a blanket with Coldplay's faces on which sounds a bit weird but is actually really warm and epic (there we go) and probably the best present I've ever been given.
- Journeys: car journeys, train journeys, bus journeys. Any kind of journey is always fun. Headphones in, doodling in the back of my diary and people spotting.

I could probably go on and on, but I won't, this is long and self involved enough! Have a good day.


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