Tuesday, February 03, 2009


This should probably be Massively Great Quotes #whatever-we-are-up-to-now but it's relevant so:

"Snow is a reminder that no matter what I do, God will always write better songs than I do."
- Jesse Lacey

I love that quote, I thought about it the second I woke up and looked outside and saw the blanket of snow draped across our road. That photo is me at about midnight last night after trying to make a snowman solo, which didn't work and wasn't as fun as if I had been with someone other than my cat staring at me like I was mental for enjoying the death cold in my pajamas and a hoody. Me and mum had to drive to the bank in Yeovil in the morning & it wasn't snowing as much there, but when we got back home in the evening it was ridiculous, like a blizzard. It snowed all night and when I went outside at about 11.30pm there was easily 40-50cm of snow. I think it's all been rained/hailed away now, but how great to have it just for those 2 days. All this fuss about the disruption it causes etc. etc. Yeah, it's not ideal but come on, when do we ever have an excuse to slow life down and just have a laugh? Everything is so bleak at the moment because the British press continue to tell us that life is ending one minute at a time and we're all going to get stabbed whilst being really poor and unemployed. OH NOEZZZZ kids playing in the snow, better complain about how the buses aren't running in London!!!1one

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