Friday, October 23, 2009

The Best Thing About Today #29

The new video by a previous Woman of Win, Ellie Goulding.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

My Friends Are Talented #3

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Say hello to Josh, Jon, Chris and Mike. They are in a band called Being Jo Francis who write wicked songs about life and circuses. Maybe you would like to listen to them? Lucky for you, they have a myspace here which I and they would very much like you to visit. They also like to pose in fields with their hands in their pockets but don't judge them solely on that.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Massively Great Quotes #26

A thing of beauty is a joy forever: its loveliness increases; it will never pass into nothingness.
- John Keats

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Friday, October 16, 2009

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Wonderful Websites #11

A website called Inspire me, Now! Inspiration, essentially and a collection of brilliant photos, ideas, sites etc. I love it already.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Women of Win #3

Ellie Goulding's debut single Under The Sheets is insanely brilliant. Listen here or her myspace at the address below and then marvel at her greatness.

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

The Best Thing About Today #26

My friend and musician Luke Leighfield has just put up a song from his anticipated third album on his myspace. It's called By My Side and features some stonking guitars and loads of other good features but the stonking guitars have blinded me upon first listen. Well done Ben Price.
Anyway, you can listen to it here:

And you can also pre-order the album now by becoming a fan on facebook. The pre-order is exciting, there are t-shirts and photo books involved.

There is also a tour.


Monday, October 05, 2009

Wicked Cool Bands #12

Love it will not betray you dismay or enslave you;
It will set you free.
You will be more like the man you were made to be.
- Sigh No More, Mumford & Sons

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Every so often, a band will come to your attention and startle you. You will wonder how you have ever looked at your album collection without theirs in it, you will wonder who else you would play first thing in the morning and last thing and night and in the time inbetween. You will try to think of any other band who has affected you quite the same way in the past year, and falter.

Hello Mumford & Sons.

I won't claim the victory that this band was a self discovery, I was introduced to them a few months ago via a music loving boyfriend of mine, and until yesterday had only heard limited tracks on their myspace (which you can visit here) and their single release from their debut album, Little Lion Man which has been available via Spotify for a couple of months. This one track was one I played a lot, reveling in the folk glory that it is, and the wonderful lyrical talents of the band. Previously mentioned boyfriend managed to wangle the album prior to release by means that shall remain nameless (cough) and I have had to make do with a 5 track release on Spotify. Totally worth it though, since yesterday I've listened to it non stop and like a new love affair, am wondering what I ever did before this album (or the 5 tracks at least) were in my life!

The album is officially released today, 5th of October. Buy it, and get ready for some intensely brilliant lyrical genius and an album full of stonking folk tunes that will no doubt make you want to dance, stamp your feet and take on the world.

Sunday, October 04, 2009

The Best Thing About Today #25

What a better The Best Thing About Today than The Maccabees. Less today though, and more yesterday.

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Last night I went to see The Maccabees in London's Brixton Academy. A wonderful, beautiful venue. I saw Brand New there a couple of years ago and was truly mesmerized by such a stunning place, full of haunting atmosphere and wonderfully captivating open space. This space was widened upon my second visit, as at the previous event I had been front center stage, taking in the wonder of the show whilst sharing in hundreds of others sweat pouring out from every crevice. This was suitably welcomed however, as being in the upper circle was a lovely if entirely different experience. My friend Vicky and I did some of the best seat dancing I've ever done in my life and risked life and limb (it's steep okay!?) by dancing stood up at some of the best points. In fact they were all best points. It was a wonderfully put together show, void of light displays, clever banter or any other gimmicks other than simply great tunes played by a bunch of humble and grateful men. These character traits were the best things about the gig, and me and thousands of others realised just how grateful the band were for the opportunity to play at such a venue. Latchmere was a particular highlight, and Can You Give It and of course the fine slab of indie brilliance that is First Love which was of course the encore.

If you ever get the chance to see The Maccabees, you won't be disappointed. I don't know that I've felt the urge to dance at a gig quite as much as I did last night, and I've seen The Spice Girls live. Twice. Yeah that's right, you heard me.

So to sum up, The Maccabees live experience: more dance-worthy than The Spice Girls.

Friday, October 02, 2009

Women of Win #2

Paloma Faith:

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Hello incredibly talented and beautiful redhead. I love pop stars who ooze glamour yet down-to-earth-ness. She is wicked.