Monday, October 05, 2009

Wicked Cool Bands #12

Love it will not betray you dismay or enslave you;
It will set you free.
You will be more like the man you were made to be.
- Sigh No More, Mumford & Sons

image from

Every so often, a band will come to your attention and startle you. You will wonder how you have ever looked at your album collection without theirs in it, you will wonder who else you would play first thing in the morning and last thing and night and in the time inbetween. You will try to think of any other band who has affected you quite the same way in the past year, and falter.

Hello Mumford & Sons.

I won't claim the victory that this band was a self discovery, I was introduced to them a few months ago via a music loving boyfriend of mine, and until yesterday had only heard limited tracks on their myspace (which you can visit here) and their single release from their debut album, Little Lion Man which has been available via Spotify for a couple of months. This one track was one I played a lot, reveling in the folk glory that it is, and the wonderful lyrical talents of the band. Previously mentioned boyfriend managed to wangle the album prior to release by means that shall remain nameless (cough) and I have had to make do with a 5 track release on Spotify. Totally worth it though, since yesterday I've listened to it non stop and like a new love affair, am wondering what I ever did before this album (or the 5 tracks at least) were in my life!

The album is officially released today, 5th of October. Buy it, and get ready for some intensely brilliant lyrical genius and an album full of stonking folk tunes that will no doubt make you want to dance, stamp your feet and take on the world.

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