Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Me & My Friends #2

Kimberley Masters

Kim Masters is incredibly talented. She is a very clever artist and writer and is one of the only people who could rival me in a quote off. During our 7 years of friendship, she has brought many wonderful things & memories into my life! We made friends when we worked together at a hands on science place in Weymouth called Discovery. Our job was literally so easy. We hardly did anything apart from press some buttons on a till occasionally, and we were so naughty in that job. We would invite friends to just come to our shifts with us simply because it was just like hanging out rather than work. Kim's boyfriend Dan deserves a mention here as most of the time I would turn up on a Saturday or Sunday and he would be there doing college work, or helping Kim with a delivery. We listened to wicked music when we shouldn't have, we played Boink Wars (not as dodgy as it sounds), we dressed up little bendy men (again, not as dodgy as it sounds), we played consequences and a host of other dastardly deeds. It was and will remain the best job ever, mainly because she was there! Kim and I also took part in what was known as the Best Day Ever, 5th October 2003 when we went to a geek convention known as Collectormania and stood in a very long queue and met Dominic Monaghan & Elijah Wood. Sean Astin also had a little chat with us and Andy Serkis waved at us through a window. So, to sum up: we were massive Lord Of The Rings geeks. G33ks. Lol. 4 lyf.

Kim is also a talented illustrator, and here are some of her drawings:

& here is a photo that she took of a snowflake on Dan's hair. I think it's one of the best things I've ever seen.

So there we go, beautiful Kimberley.

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