Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My friends are talented.

So, I have lots of very talented friends and this blog is going to plug them.


Laura Coates.

I have mentioned her once before, but she is a very talented artist and here is her blog which showcases her work. Once, she and I ate dinosaur turkey shapes whilst watching Comic Relief and we both have a love affair with Winchester. Factzzz.

Adam Guest.

Adam is in a band called awordlike.attack and you can find them on myspace here! It says "They play post-hardcore mixed with elements of post-rock and electronica" but I say "They are great, you should listen to them but mainly you should see them live because they are great". You can decide which of these 2 thrilling sentences makes you want to listen to them most, but definitely see them live if you like that kind of thing and there is an opportunity because they are awesome. Loads of energy and makes you want to jump up and down and generally go mental. Adam will no doubt rip me for this half arsed plug but we have established that I am rubbish at describing how music sounds, I just know if I like it or not. Haha.

Luke Leighfield.

Luke is a musician who plays an obscene amount of gigs and works very hard. He writes wicked pop songs (that is an accurate description for once) and this is his myspace which has a very long list of other ways you can represent for the Leighfield camp including Twitter, Last.fm etc. He lives in Southampton and plays gigs all over the world and when you listen to one of his songs it's like opening a small box with a shining light of beautiful pop music inside that drenches your every core and leaves you feeling an afterglow of pop euphoria.



Laura said...

Why thank you Emmah, I am quite honoured...
Though you spelt my surname wrong dillbrain!!

Emmah said...

How did I spell it wrong, knob'ed? x