Thursday, December 11, 2008

Me & My Friends #1

Hayley O'Toole

Me and Hayley became friends during our first year of Univeristy. We were at a student lunch at one of the churches in Winchester, and had the same t-shirt on in different colours. She made some kind of sarcastic remark whilst we were getting a jacket potato and i distinctly remember thinking how mean she was. Then someones cardigan had a hole in it and she got out a sewing kit (!!) from her bag and fixed it. Then I remember thinking how mental she was. Who carries around a sewing kit? Er yeah. Then after Christian Union one night we were walking to the pub and I was singing a song which she promptly joined in with. I remember thinking then that she was probably alright. After that she came to my halls and we talked for ages and ages about loads of things. Pretty much from then on we weren't really apart during the first year of University. I used to think we worked really well as mates because we were similar, but we aren't really similar at all. Maybe that's why it works. We've done loads of things together in the 5 years we've known eachother, including holidays, gigs, days out, and countless memories which would take far too long to mention. She usually wins @ life and she even went to help starving kids in Bangladesh in the summer. Wow. Although she's not so graceful when she falls off the bed when dancing to Paramore. Video evidence to come.

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