Monday, April 27, 2009

Great Things About Life This Week #1

New feature! Great things about life this week. Because life is great?

  • Grace. This is the best thing about life every week, but this week it is just apparent to me even more so. Buy this book - What's So Amazing About Grace? but make sure it's the visual edition. It's just wicked.
  • New music: Lots of people have been recommending me lots of good music this week, and this means there are lots of new artists/bands to get excited about. Foy Vance still ultimatley owns my heart, and I have been telling anyone and everyone about that, but there are lots of other exciting people I need to write about in the next few installments of Massively Great Bands. (Love the fact that it's called bands yet all the people I talk about are solo.)
  • The massive rainbow storm that's just happened outside. Massive rain drops, mental showers and then the sunshine just appears and makes everything okay. Somewhat of a (albeit slightly lame) metaphor for some stuff going on in life at the moment. Reminds me of Lord of The Rings when Sam gives his amazing speech at the end of Two Towers when he says 'And when the sun shines, it will shine out the clearer.' Oh, Sam. You chubby bundle of joy.
  • People. Specifically new, great, lovely people. Getting to know people is exciting.
  • Yesterday. My friend Massimo came to visit me and we walked up this really massive hill just out of the town where I live. We stopped at the bottom and chatted for ages and then got a bit lost trying to get up the other side. My niece called him Mandy and my mum gave him a wicked haircut. Him and my dad even had a long conversation about how we are becoming a nanny state. Intense stuff. I mainly just moaned a lot, but it was a really great day.
  • Brownies. I made Nigella Lawson's brownies on Saturday for a family party and they were so lush, I have stuck to Jamie Olivers recipe in previous brownie-making escapades, but Nigella ftw now.I have gone on and on about them this weekend but they really were the best batch ever: Exhibit A:


Anyway, that's it. Hope the 11 people who read this are really well and happy.

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