Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Personification: Sunshine.

Dear Sunshine,
Hello. It's Emmah. Okay, so you don't know me. I just wanted to let you know that you suck today. The fact that you were a no show really made my day slow and horrid, especially as I had to look out of the window at your arch enemy Rain slide down the window, taunting me more and more with each drop. I understand that it must be very difficult for you to remain a glowing ball of light in the sky all the time, and that sometimes you must get a bit bored of people constantly abusing you for energy, suntans and to melt stuff and that, but really... I needed you today. And you let me down.
Consider this your first warning, the next time you desert me like this, I'm going to be having stronger words with you about your defiant behaviour. I simply won't put up with being constantly let down by you and your rays.
Thank you for your time.
Emmah in rainy Dorset. xo

1 comment:

Laura said...

i miss rainy dorset