Thursday, July 02, 2009

Wicked Cool Bands #9

"My face blew up at such a casual sight,
this miracle is of ecstatic fright."
- Little Secrets, Passion Pit

image from

Think MGMT only loads better. Think soundtrack to your summer. Think music that makes you wanna go WHOOO. Passion Pit.

I'm gutted that they're doing a set at the Orange Rooms in Southampton tomorrow night and I'll probably be on a train. Hearing Little Secrets live would make my week perfect. So, there we go, recommendation number one is Little Secrets, a song that might make you don shades and run around outside praising the heat rather than complaining (like me) that you can't sleep and that it's too hot to do anything. Other awesome songs of theirs are Sleepy Head and The Reeling, both of which you can listen to at their Myspace and on Spotify.

So there we go, summer 2009, meet Passion Pit.

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